This is a Jai Alai court, a literary cancha, the front wall is in front of you, you´re welcome to play in it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
For Whom The Bell Tolls
They toll for us my friends, for all of us who love jai-alai. The Orlando fronton is already dead. One more jai-alai coffin and, above all, one more proof that jai-alai depending exclusively on betting does not have any future in the U.S. A thought comes to my mind. Realizing how many people loves jai-alai in the U.S. as a consequence of almost one century of presence in that country, was not possible, for instance, a group of people hiring and running the Orlando fronton and transforming it in the great U.S. Amateur Fronton? where all kind of aficionados could travel from Connecticut and Florida and practice. Organize different clinics all year around. Include Benny Bueno's program in it. Organize as well professional tournaments as the Citrus Tournament collaborating with Dania, Miami and the two Basque companies. Place in the fronton a permanent site of the Jai-Alai Hall of Fame. As I read in a forum "Disneylize" jai-alai offering families different events where adults and children can attend alike. Do we have to wait untill we see two more coffins, the last ones, to see any reaction from the so many american jai-alai lovers? I can't believe that if jai-alai as an industry vanishes in Florida, all the corpus created around this sport will go down the tub. The collective of jai-alai fans has a tremendous energy and a great potential but it is conditioned by the betting mentality. The Connecticut and Florida aficionados cannot depend on Dania and Miami to justify their existence. Orlando may be too late, before is too late something should be done in another place and reinforce the amateur activity around a great U.S. Amateur Fronton. The right people is needed. "Remember, Tiger, in my last posting, "Confusion", the kid that went outside the summer camp and brought with him the biggest object he could it find? the one about the huge trayler?... You answered me that Miami Jai-Alai should sign up this kid". Well, let me correct you. We are missing the target. Jai-alai in the U.S. is at risk, not just Miami. The entire collective of the jai-alai universe should sign up this kid and put him working. As a matter of fact, you can find him anywhere. Carl, Mark, Hov, Mike, Tom, Dan, Jose, Tiger, Christian....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
You talk to jai-alai players, ex-players, with management, you follow different web sites and I get the idea that jai-alai does not know where is heading, sort of confusion invades all. In Florida nobody knows about the outcome of the negotiations among the State, the Seminoles and the Pari-Mutuel industry. Jai-alai as an industry is an endangered species that nobody knows if it will survive for years or will disappear in a couple of months. Not that bad here in the Basque. Although the presence of two companies, Master jai and Jai-Alive, may be seen as a sign of a good health. I'm not that sure. They depend too much on the Basque Public Television as the main income, beginning next years' January 1st both companies will get the same share, until then as it happened till now Master Jai is the only beneficiary. What is going to be Master Jai's strategy in the future? Will they produce and then sell the product to any tv network, Basque Television included? If this is the case, the other company may be relegated to a weak dependable situation. I have the feeling that there is not place for two companies here in the Basque. Will the French Government finally allow betting in the frontons next year, as expected? What is happening with young amateur players? the few motivated to become pro, that their only chance to make a debut is doing it in Florida? What players from Florida will come over the Basque next year for the summer season? Definitively, new blood is needed. New ideas, action is neded. Here is a nice story. A teacher was working with kids in a summer camp. One afternoon the educator proposed the kids to go outside and come back in a half hour with the biggest object they could find. What a surprise after the half hour passed: a well over 20 meters trayler entered into the camp touching the claxon. One kid had gone to a nearby highway stopping different trucks untill he convinced one. This way he got into the camp with the biggest object he could it found: a twenty meter long truck. When we know what to do in life wondeful things happen.
Please, give me some comments. Si alguien estuviera interesado en leer lo que escribo en español, que me lo comente, o bien en este blog o en el "Fronton de Christian".
Please, give me some comments. Si alguien estuviera interesado en leer lo que escribo en español, que me lo comente, o bien en este blog o en el "Fronton de Christian".
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ultimo Lunes de Octubre
¿La felicidad?... La felicidad es derpertarse el último lunes de Octubre y saber que tienes un plan con tus amigos para ir a Gernika, visitar la feria por la mañana, comer en un restaurante abarrotado, hablar hasta por los codos de pelota en la sobremesa, y después, cómo no, al Jai-Alai a ver jugar a los Goiko, Lopez, Irastorza... Oh, la felicidad!
Mi felicidad el lunes fue parcial. No acudí desde por la mañana a Gernika. Acudí directamente al Jai-Alai, al Taj Majal de los frontones. Incomparable escenario que a pesar de haberlo visitado en numerosas ocasiones sigue impresionandome. El color oscuro del mármol, ese brillo del suelo de la cancha donde la danza de los jugadores se reproduce como en un espejo. El Jai-Alai bien merece una visita. Suspendió Goiko y los intendentes modificaron la programación. En el primer estelar Egiguren II y Hernandez batieron a Olha y Enbil. Un bonito partido donde los delanteros remataron con alegría y los zagueros se enfrascaron en una pelea total. El más destacado fue Egi, es una delicia verle jugar cuando no está en juego alguna final como puede ser la pasada edición del Torneo Mundial. Valiente en el remate, agresivo con ele rebote. Antes de iniciarse el segundo estelar saltaron a la cancha Lopez, Irastorza y Enbil con el ánimo de romper el record estableccido por Areitio, 302 km/h. en Newport allá por el año 1979. Tras lanzar varios pelotazos y sin que los allí presentes nos enteraramos de lo que había pasado, se retiraron los candidatos. El máximo de velocidad lo logró Lopez con 221 km/h. Muy por debajo del record logrado por Areitio, muy cerca de la sensación extendida de que aquella noche en Newport la cerveza corrió a discreción, "free beer all night long". Un ambiente propicio para establecer records de cualquier índole.
Foronda y Lopez, los recientes ganadores del Torneo organizado por el Consejo Mundial, perdieron en el siguiente estelar contra Lander e Irastorza. A priori parecía que íbamos a asistir a un gran encuentro. Lander, últimamente, en gran forma. Irastorza en una cancha ideal para su juego, mucho hueco y pelotas vivas. Lander estuvo bien, sacando a relucir su repertorio de remates de costado. Irastorza luchando mucho, seguro, en su línea de gran zaguero. Y Lopez... Desde el inicio puso el diesel en marcha y no pasó de las 3.000 revoluciones en todo el partido. Daba la impresión de estar jugando al 50% de sus posibilidades.. Ni se le ocurrió meter el turbo en ningún momento. Una gran figura, el zaguero llamado a reinar en la zaga en la próxima década, debe de jugar con otra actitud. Gane o pierda, el público allí presente y los que seguían el partido a través de ETB, que no queden indiferentes. El lúnes pasado Lopez me defraudó por su acitud. Un Campeón tiene que sacar más arranque, intentar dar espectáculo para que se sumen adeptos al jai-alai, el lúnes pasado se perdió una oportunidad. Su actitud me recordaba a los días anteriores a finalizar la temporada en Florida, el chip compeitivo perdido ante el inminente fin de temporada y nuestra mente estaba ya en otro lugar. El lúnes pasado Lopez acababa su temporada estival, pero le faltó la rúbrica, el colofón final a una gran temporada. El lúnes Lopez nos dejó indiferentes. Como me comentaba un ex-puntista tras el partido. "No quiero entrar en comparaciones, pero veía jugar a Churruca o a Bolibar y ganaran o perdieran mostraban cosas con las que te marchabas feliz a casa"... El lúnes pasado mi felicidad fue incompleta.
Mi felicidad el lunes fue parcial. No acudí desde por la mañana a Gernika. Acudí directamente al Jai-Alai, al Taj Majal de los frontones. Incomparable escenario que a pesar de haberlo visitado en numerosas ocasiones sigue impresionandome. El color oscuro del mármol, ese brillo del suelo de la cancha donde la danza de los jugadores se reproduce como en un espejo. El Jai-Alai bien merece una visita. Suspendió Goiko y los intendentes modificaron la programación. En el primer estelar Egiguren II y Hernandez batieron a Olha y Enbil. Un bonito partido donde los delanteros remataron con alegría y los zagueros se enfrascaron en una pelea total. El más destacado fue Egi, es una delicia verle jugar cuando no está en juego alguna final como puede ser la pasada edición del Torneo Mundial. Valiente en el remate, agresivo con ele rebote. Antes de iniciarse el segundo estelar saltaron a la cancha Lopez, Irastorza y Enbil con el ánimo de romper el record estableccido por Areitio, 302 km/h. en Newport allá por el año 1979. Tras lanzar varios pelotazos y sin que los allí presentes nos enteraramos de lo que había pasado, se retiraron los candidatos. El máximo de velocidad lo logró Lopez con 221 km/h. Muy por debajo del record logrado por Areitio, muy cerca de la sensación extendida de que aquella noche en Newport la cerveza corrió a discreción, "free beer all night long". Un ambiente propicio para establecer records de cualquier índole.
Foronda y Lopez, los recientes ganadores del Torneo organizado por el Consejo Mundial, perdieron en el siguiente estelar contra Lander e Irastorza. A priori parecía que íbamos a asistir a un gran encuentro. Lander, últimamente, en gran forma. Irastorza en una cancha ideal para su juego, mucho hueco y pelotas vivas. Lander estuvo bien, sacando a relucir su repertorio de remates de costado. Irastorza luchando mucho, seguro, en su línea de gran zaguero. Y Lopez... Desde el inicio puso el diesel en marcha y no pasó de las 3.000 revoluciones en todo el partido. Daba la impresión de estar jugando al 50% de sus posibilidades.. Ni se le ocurrió meter el turbo en ningún momento. Una gran figura, el zaguero llamado a reinar en la zaga en la próxima década, debe de jugar con otra actitud. Gane o pierda, el público allí presente y los que seguían el partido a través de ETB, que no queden indiferentes. El lúnes pasado Lopez me defraudó por su acitud. Un Campeón tiene que sacar más arranque, intentar dar espectáculo para que se sumen adeptos al jai-alai, el lúnes pasado se perdió una oportunidad. Su actitud me recordaba a los días anteriores a finalizar la temporada en Florida, el chip compeitivo perdido ante el inminente fin de temporada y nuestra mente estaba ya en otro lugar. El lúnes pasado Lopez acababa su temporada estival, pero le faltó la rúbrica, el colofón final a una gran temporada. El lúnes Lopez nos dejó indiferentes. Como me comentaba un ex-puntista tras el partido. "No quiero entrar en comparaciones, pero veía jugar a Churruca o a Bolibar y ganaran o perdieran mostraban cosas con las que te marchabas feliz a casa"... El lúnes pasado mi felicidad fue incompleta.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What is happiness?... Happiness is to wake up the last Monday of October and realize that you have a plan to go to Gernika with close friends, visit the years' most important Fair in the morning (more than 100.000 people attend), have a lunch in a nice crowded restaurant and spend the time before you go to the fronton discussing about jai-alai. Then you go to the Gernika Jai-Alai to see playing Lopez, Irastorza, Goiko, Egiguren... Oh, la felicitá!...
Yesterday my happiness was partial. I did not go in the morning to visit the magnificent expositions of fruits and vegetables, have a drink or two, enjoy the sunny day... Instead I went directly to the fronton. The Gernika Jai-Alai, the Taj Majal of jai-alai. Even though I've
been there in many ocassions I feel subyugated by the magnificent scenario. The dark marble walls, the shining of the floor where the images of the players dancing reflects causing such a visual pleasure. It`s worth the visit. Goikoetxea scratched and the matchmakers changed the program. In the first estelar Egi and Hernandez beated Olha and Enbil. Nice partido to watch. Both front-courters shot all kind remates, especially Egi. This player when he is not in a final is an outstanding player, his game is extraordinary, aggressive with the costado, attacking with the rebote... a joy to see him playing. Before the second estelar, Lopez, Irastorza and Enbil jumped into the court. Ready to break Areitio's World Record. After a couple of shots the tree players and the technicians left the court. Areitio`s record was safe. Lopez did not overpass the 221 km/h, far away from Areitio's. Very close to the spreaded believe in the audience that at that night, 1979 Newport, "free beer all night long" run free. A lot of excepticism created by the abysmal distance from Lopez to Areitio.
Foronda and Lopez, the recently winners of the World Tournament, faced Lander and Irastorza. It seemed that we were going to watch a great match. Lander is in a great shape, playing lately his best jai-alai. Gernika's court suits very well for Irastorza. The partido went tied till the end. Lander using his costado again and again and causing a lot of damage. Irastorza fighting like a brave, catching almost anything. Foronda having problems with his serve along the whole game. Lopez... Oh, my god! Since the beginning of the match he put his diesel engine working, 3.000 revolutions, no more. I was convinced that in any moment he would connect his turbo and start setting a faster pace. Wrong. During the whole partido Lopez played at 50% of his possibilities. A true champion, the back-courter that should dominate the next decade ought to play with a different attitude. Win or loose the 1.000 people audience and the people following the game trough television had to notify that they were watching play the best, a super star. I was so upset with Lopez's attitude. It made remember the days previous to the end of the season when our mind was disconnected from competition after a long season. Yesterday Lopez was playing his last partido of the summer season. Just for that he had to give his best, more than usual. First of all to put an end to a magnificent campaign. Second, because jai-alai needs the best performances to get new adepts, especially when good crowds and the television cameras are functioning. After the partido, an explayer told me "I don't want to get in that comparison steril discussions, but when I saw playing Churruca or Bolibar, even winning or loosing I used to leave the fronton fulfilled because I had seen things that pleased me so much"... Yesterday, my happiness was partial.
Yesterday my happiness was partial. I did not go in the morning to visit the magnificent expositions of fruits and vegetables, have a drink or two, enjoy the sunny day... Instead I went directly to the fronton. The Gernika Jai-Alai, the Taj Majal of jai-alai. Even though I've

Foronda and Lopez, the recently winners of the World Tournament, faced Lander and Irastorza. It seemed that we were going to watch a great match. Lander is in a great shape, playing lately his best jai-alai. Gernika's court suits very well for Irastorza. The partido went tied till the end. Lander using his costado again and again and causing a lot of damage. Irastorza fighting like a brave, catching almost anything. Foronda having problems with his serve along the whole game. Lopez... Oh, my god! Since the beginning of the match he put his diesel engine working, 3.000 revolutions, no more. I was convinced that in any moment he would connect his turbo and start setting a faster pace. Wrong. During the whole partido Lopez played at 50% of his possibilities. A true champion, the back-courter that should dominate the next decade ought to play with a different attitude. Win or loose the 1.000 people audience and the people following the game trough television had to notify that they were watching play the best, a super star. I was so upset with Lopez's attitude. It made remember the days previous to the end of the season when our mind was disconnected from competition after a long season. Yesterday Lopez was playing his last partido of the summer season. Just for that he had to give his best, more than usual. First of all to put an end to a magnificent campaign. Second, because jai-alai needs the best performances to get new adepts, especially when good crowds and the television cameras are functioning. After the partido, an explayer told me "I don't want to get in that comparison steril discussions, but when I saw playing Churruca or Bolibar, even winning or loosing I used to leave the fronton fulfilled because I had seen things that pleased me so much"... Yesterday, my happiness was partial.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Last Friday evening more than 100 former jai-alai players got together at Chino Bengoa's restaurant in Markina for the 15th edition of the annual dinner party. A chance to meet again old friends and a way to keep the good memories alive. Among the former players was also Miguel A. Bilbao, the author of the book "Jai-Alai, The Professionals", a magnificent book where almost 4.000 players' biographies are collected. He promised to find a way for those overseas fans interested in purchasing the book. I'll keep you informed. An ex-player that is obviously included in Bilbao's book was also present. Jose Ramon Areitio in 1979 at the Palm Beach fronton set a world record that is included in World Guinnes Book od Records. Areitio threew the ball over 300 km/h, about 188 miles per hour. Today at the Gernika Jai-Alai, Lopez, Irastorza and Goikoetxea will attempt to break Areitio's record. None of them will be able to break it, I guess. Areitio's record is an impressive one.

A group of six people coming all the way from Mallorca attended dinner as well. Two former Tampa players, Ortiz and Matias, Paco Aguiló, the owner of the Mallorca fronton back in the sixtees, and three more jai-alai aficionados. According to the players that played at the Mallorca fronton, Aguiló was one of various romantic jai-alai empresarios that the sport has known. Always predisposed to help young players and keep the business alive even though the attendance was minimal. A good honest man. Once he called to his office to a veteran player to notify him that he was so sorry but it was time to retire and leave his place to a younger player. Chiquito de Urrestilla, also known as Auntxa, got the news and felt desolated. He was an enthusiastic humble early games player, one of the few that did not expect to play overseas, he had a
job as a furniture salesman, jai-alai was his passion. "Señor Aguiló, I, I...beg you. Don't fire me. I'll pay for playing!"... Defenitively, those were some of the romantic days of jai-alai. Yesterday morning, while watching at the University some partidos among aficionados, the Mallorca group tributed a humble homage to Aguiló, a very emotive moment when he stepped into the cancha in a wheelchair, some of the players that played at the time in Mallorca were present, Capella, Corta, Olaizola...

Last Friday night, after dinner, most of us went to the fronton to see the last partido of the evening between Goiko against Meabe and Joakin. Since the beginning of the match, Goiko put in action a missile-ball and smashed his opponents. The pair did not know how to play against one, both, especially the back-courter comitted too many unforced errors, Goiko won the partido by five points. Pretty soon I'll write about different partidos played by a single player against two player, I'm recollecting information.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Interview with Super Lopez

Yesterday, Lopez, the great back-court, was interviewed by BERRIA, the only newspaper in the basque language. Here are some pieces of the interview.
Last year too you won the World Championship; however, this years' was more pleasant to you, may be because player from both companies took part?
No, last years' was more pleasant because it was my first one.
Why did you won the World Championship?
The two more regular teams got to the final. The team that better adjusted each other finally won the partido. We knew what we had to do, and we did it troughout the whole Championship.
What is your opinion about the Championship?
The level has been good. The best players of the moment took par in it; only Bereikua missed it. Both companies tried to balance the pairing. Not all the teams adjusted on the court. You have to work hard for that, to have a name is not enough.
Frontons got big audiences. That's something.
Yes. Above all people enjoyed. In semifinals, against Olha and Irastorza, at Durango, I saw something that I haven't seen before; people standing clapping and cheering. Full house too the night of the final at Markina. People of all kind of ages.
It's jai-alai coming out from hell?
The fact that both two companies are getting together that is good. The summer time tournaments have been good, they got together, and television got involved itself. Last year was much worse. It is good for us the players and the audience.
Television is a must if jai-alai wants to go ahead?
For everything you need tv. Television means money. The easiest way to promote jai-alai. Behind tv the rest of media follows. As a matter of fact, it is a chain. Companies too must do a good job, and us the players have to show the best jai-alai. Schools also have to be promoted. It is a sum of different factors.
As far as jai-alai schools concern, is jai-alai healthy?
In the Basque are doing well, I myself have been working with young players in Tolosa and Hondarribia. I gave clinics for two weeks. We have done it, however, it's convenient to promote younger players.
Is it good the existence of two companies?
Always better than just a single one only. In our case, there was only one in the past, and we were under, so to speak. Now we have more than one choice, and that's great. Conditions are better, good for all. Monopoly is good for the companies, no for the players.
Looking towards the future, are you optimist?
We are doing better and better. The best times wont come back, however, I think that it would be possible to play the whole year in the Basque. I would love it.
Are you sattisfied for the summer time season?
I'm pleased. To win the Individuals that's the only lack, however, if you want to beat Goikoetxea, you have to play perfect, and wait for his bad day. Even so, my goal is the doubles. I feel proud being a back-courter and being able to score 26 points against Goiko.
In Miami you are doing real well?
Yes, I'm doing fine. Last year Goiko won the most wins, singles and doubles. I did second in the first two, and I was the best back-courter. I wanted more and this year I got the most wins title, and the best back-courte in doubles.
How is one regular day for you at Miami?
I get up at nine and go to the beach for a walk. I do some shopping, lunch after that, and at 14:45 I have to saty at the fronton. I leave at 17:30. Get the car and back home. I go to the gimnasium as well. Dinner after that, and get together with friends... Arrasate is my roommate.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A Couple Of Chulas
Do you know that the players' age average in the past Jai-Alai World Championship was 32 years old?
31 age average for Jai-Alive players; 33,4 for the Master Jai players.
Jai-Alive Master Jai
Arriaga 36 years old; Felix 47 years old
Garcia 35 " ; Baronio 38 "
Egiguren 32 " ; Alberdi II 35 "
Foronda 30 " ; Irastorza 33 "
Hernandez 28 " ;Alberdi III 32 "
Lopez 25 " ; Enbil 32 "
Alliez 31 "
Lander 30 "
Olha 29 "
Goikoetxea 27 "
A few thoughts come to my mind...
I. Top jai-alai players are within the best age for the practice of jai-alai.
2. If there is not a future substitution in the near future, players will be "too old" for the health of the sport.
3. The two best players, Goiko and Lopez, are the youngest of all.
4. Considering that only Dania and Miami frontons remain open, and that the quantity of professional players has drastically decreased in the last years, which top players will substitute in ten years from now the actual ones? Don`t you think that the future of jai-alai may be at risk because of the lack of top quality players?
Which players from Dania and Miami would you include for the next years World Championship, considering that some of the players that took part in the last tournament should not been participating?
Would it be appropiate for the health of the sport to organize a future World Championship at Dania or Miami? If so, in what format, quinielas or partidos?
31 age average for Jai-Alive players; 33,4 for the Master Jai players.
Jai-Alive Master Jai
Arriaga 36 years old; Felix 47 years old
Garcia 35 " ; Baronio 38 "
Egiguren 32 " ; Alberdi II 35 "
Foronda 30 " ; Irastorza 33 "
Hernandez 28 " ;Alberdi III 32 "
Lopez 25 " ; Enbil 32 "
Alliez 31 "
Lander 30 "
Olha 29 "
Goikoetxea 27 "
A few thoughts come to my mind...
I. Top jai-alai players are within the best age for the practice of jai-alai.
2. If there is not a future substitution in the near future, players will be "too old" for the health of the sport.
3. The two best players, Goiko and Lopez, are the youngest of all.
4. Considering that only Dania and Miami frontons remain open, and that the quantity of professional players has drastically decreased in the last years, which top players will substitute in ten years from now the actual ones? Don`t you think that the future of jai-alai may be at risk because of the lack of top quality players?
Which players from Dania and Miami would you include for the next years World Championship, considering that some of the players that took part in the last tournament should not been participating?
Would it be appropiate for the health of the sport to organize a future World Championship at Dania or Miami? If so, in what format, quinielas or partidos?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Super Lopez, Super Star
Last Friday night was a night to enjoy although the celebration was not complete. Foronda and Lopez set the record straight. For most people, they were the favorites to proclaim themselves World Champions and they met expectations battling Egiguren II and Felix without mercy. Last Friday night in Markina it was, above all else, Imanol Lopez's night: Super Lopez. The Jai-Alive pelotari made it clear who is number one in today's back-court scene. At 25 years old of age, he dominates in a way only put into question by another great player, Irastorza.
The court at Markina University is not fast, it's slow by today's standards. The ball that in other courts might seem excessively fast, are very adaptable within the walls of this forum. Also, Foronda and Lopez, began with the advantage brought by wintry cold temperatures; which create a dry environment that makes the balls less lively. Even so, Foronda and Lopez always sought out slower balls. They knew where to inflict pain, they brought with them prior lessons learned. From the beginning of the match, Lopez put on his Super Lopez uniform and set the wearing pace of the game. Those back handed lines, authentic missiles, beat down the opposing back court, again and again. Those right handed shots that constantly avoided the opposing front court. The awsome confidence transmitted by the sensation that there would be no difficult balls for him. His placement on the court was admirable. The correcting gesture when the ball descended upon him and he let it go by only to pick it up on the rebote, with total ease. He reminded me of the grest Patxi Txurruka. It's a pleasure watch Lopez, Super Lopez, play. Another virtue of the pelotari from Zumaia is that he makes his front court look good. Foronda played a flawless partido, hardly making any mistakes; other than that, he did what he should have done. He took of advantage of his back court's dominance and killed the points. With all due respect to a professional role model like Foronda --few take the profession as seriously as he does-- this Championship would have been won by Lopez with any front court partner. That is a merit of great Champions.
On the other hand, the evening seemed to foster the epic achievement. Felix, a jai-alai star, at 47 years of age was disputing the World Championship finals. Part of the audience trusted they would see their idol win and they expressed it by cheering after every point made by Rocky Felix. On the other hand, even the most loyal and unconditional of his followers realized that everything they hoped was wishful thinking, an emotional reaction more out of a fictional account than reality. Lopez, Super Star Lopez, with his pelotazos managed to shread the dreams of those who dreamt right up to the start of the partido. Felix, the powerful right handed back court who until not too long ago did a lot of damage with his right, was trapped throughout the partido in the farthest recesses of the back court; that infernal place where nothing is possible except for the most heroic defense. As Felix was being chastised against the ropes he was reminiscent of Stallione's Rocky Balboa. He did what he could and he did it wonderfully, covering the Chula and and firing some strong back hand shots. His right hand continues to be a thing of beauty, texbook jai-alai. His power, on the other hand, is not damaging to his opponent. He is not longer the knockout puncher of yester year, who would drag his opponents down misery street with a chain of right hand shots. Last Friday night Foronda was grateful for that.
A few days before the partido, Egiguren II his front court, promised to play aggressively by attacking Foronda. Declarations that fed the hopes of those that dreamt with seeing Felix transformed into Stallione's Rocky Balboa; a winner, a dream. It all ended up being a statement of intentions. The former Dania player did what he could and he did it well when he was in his own territory; he put his stamp on a series of costado remates amd some rebote shots that only the very best can make. He could do little more than that. After the game, I was overcome by a feeling that we often demand that pelotaris play in a manner in which they are incapable. The desire to witness a great match where epic and surprise are both possible, is not enough. Foronda and Lopez went out to win and they did it in a big way. Furthermore, I am convinced that they would have won with any type of ball. Last Friday Night, it became clear that it is practically impossible to beat Super Lopez, Super Star, unless he faces Goikoetxea or Irastorza, whichever combination player managers may deem appropiate.
The court at Markina University is not fast, it's slow by today's standards. The ball that in other courts might seem excessively fast, are very adaptable within the walls of this forum. Also, Foronda and Lopez, began with the advantage brought by wintry cold temperatures; which create a dry environment that makes the balls less lively. Even so, Foronda and Lopez always sought out slower balls. They knew where to inflict pain, they brought with them prior lessons learned. From the beginning of the match, Lopez put on his Super Lopez uniform and set the wearing pace of the game. Those back handed lines, authentic missiles, beat down the opposing back court, again and again. Those right handed shots that constantly avoided the opposing front court. The awsome confidence transmitted by the sensation that there would be no difficult balls for him. His placement on the court was admirable. The correcting gesture when the ball descended upon him and he let it go by only to pick it up on the rebote, with total ease. He reminded me of the grest Patxi Txurruka. It's a pleasure watch Lopez, Super Lopez, play. Another virtue of the pelotari from Zumaia is that he makes his front court look good. Foronda played a flawless partido, hardly making any mistakes; other than that, he did what he should have done. He took of advantage of his back court's dominance and killed the points. With all due respect to a professional role model like Foronda --few take the profession as seriously as he does-- this Championship would have been won by Lopez with any front court partner. That is a merit of great Champions.
On the other hand, the evening seemed to foster the epic achievement. Felix, a jai-alai star, at 47 years of age was disputing the World Championship finals. Part of the audience trusted they would see their idol win and they expressed it by cheering after every point made by Rocky Felix. On the other hand, even the most loyal and unconditional of his followers realized that everything they hoped was wishful thinking, an emotional reaction more out of a fictional account than reality. Lopez, Super Star Lopez, with his pelotazos managed to shread the dreams of those who dreamt right up to the start of the partido. Felix, the powerful right handed back court who until not too long ago did a lot of damage with his right, was trapped throughout the partido in the farthest recesses of the back court; that infernal place where nothing is possible except for the most heroic defense. As Felix was being chastised against the ropes he was reminiscent of Stallione's Rocky Balboa. He did what he could and he did it wonderfully, covering the Chula and and firing some strong back hand shots. His right hand continues to be a thing of beauty, texbook jai-alai. His power, on the other hand, is not damaging to his opponent. He is not longer the knockout puncher of yester year, who would drag his opponents down misery street with a chain of right hand shots. Last Friday night Foronda was grateful for that.
A few days before the partido, Egiguren II his front court, promised to play aggressively by attacking Foronda. Declarations that fed the hopes of those that dreamt with seeing Felix transformed into Stallione's Rocky Balboa; a winner, a dream. It all ended up being a statement of intentions. The former Dania player did what he could and he did it well when he was in his own territory; he put his stamp on a series of costado remates amd some rebote shots that only the very best can make. He could do little more than that. After the game, I was overcome by a feeling that we often demand that pelotaris play in a manner in which they are incapable. The desire to witness a great match where epic and surprise are both possible, is not enough. Foronda and Lopez went out to win and they did it in a big way. Furthermore, I am convinced that they would have won with any type of ball. Last Friday Night, it became clear that it is practically impossible to beat Super Lopez, Super Star, unless he faces Goikoetxea or Irastorza, whichever combination player managers may deem appropiate.
Monday, October 19, 2009

La noche del viernes pasado fue una noche para disfrutar aunque la fiesta no resultara completa. Foronda y Lopez se encargaron de poner las cosas en su sitio. Para una gran mayoría eran los favoritos para proclamarse Campeones del Mundo y cumplieron los pronósticos batiendo sin piedad a Egiguren II y Felix. La noche del viernes pasado en Markina fue, sobre todo, la noche de Imanol Lopez, Superlopez. El pelotari de Jai-Alive dejó claro quién es el número uno de la zaga actual, a sus 25 años ejerce un dominio sólo cuestionado por otra gran figura como es Irastorza.
La cancha de la Universidad de Markina no es una cancha rápida, más bien es lenta para lo que se conoce hoy día. Las pelotas que en otra cancha pueden parecer excesivas se adaptan bien a las paredes del recinto. Foronda y Lopez, además, partían con la ventaja de la temperatura exterior, del frío invernal, que provoca un tiempo seco que hace que las pelotas anden menos. Así y todo, Foronda y Lopez buscaron en todo momento las pelotas más muertas, sabían donde hacer daño, traían la lección bien aprendida. Desde el inicio de la contienda Lopez se puso el uniforme de Superlopez e impuso un ritmo de juego demoledor. Esas líneas de revés, auténticos obuses que machacaban una y otra vez la zaga contraria, esos derechazos que evitaban constantemente al delantero contrario. Esa seguridad pasmosa que transmite la sensación de no existir pelota difícil para él. Su colocación sobre la cancha es admirable. Ese gesto de corrección cuando le viene la pelota encima y la deja pasar para rebotearla con total soltura. Me recordaba al gran Patxi Txurruka. Es un placer ver jugar a Lopez, Superlopez. Otra virtud del pelotari de Zumaia es que hace lucir a su delantero. Foronda hizo un partido correcto, apenas cometió algun fallo y, por lo demás, hizo lo que debía, aprovechar el dominio de su zaguero y acabar el tanto. Sin desmerecer en nada a un modelo de profesional como lo es Foronda --pocos se toman la profesión tan en serio como él-- este Campeonato Lopez lo habría ganado con cualquier delantero que ha participado en él. Ése es el gran mérito de los campeonísimos.
Por otro lado, la noche parecía propicia para la épica. Felix, una figura del jai-alai, a sus 47 años disputaba una final del Campeonato del Mundo. Parte del público confiaba en ver ganar a su ídolo y así lo expresaba jaleando en cada tanto hecho por "Rocky" Felix. Sin embargo, hasta los más leales e incondicionales de sus seguidores se dieron cuenta de que todo obedecía a un deseo, una reacción emocional propia de la ficción, que del mundo real. Lopez, Superlopez, con sus pelotazos se encargaba de hacer añicos el sueño de aquellos que soñaron hasta los momentos previos al partido. Felix, el poderoso derechista que hasta no hace muchos años hacía estragos con su derecha, se vio a lo largo de todo el partido acorralado al fondo de la cancha, ese lugar infernal donde nada es posible salvo la defensa heroica. Felix castigado contra las cuerda parecía el "Rocky Balboa" de Stallione. Hizo lo que pudo y lo hizo de maravilla, cubrió la chula y soltó unos buenos pelotazos con el revés. Su derecha sigue siendo una hermosura, de libro de texto del jai-alai. Su pegada, sin embargo, apenas hace daño. Ya no es el noqueador de otros tiempos que con una serie de derechas traía por la calle de la amargura a sus contrarios. La pasada noche del viernes Foronda se lo agradeció.
Egiguren II, su delantero, días antes al partido prometió jugar agresivo y atacar a Foronda. Declaraciones que alimentaban la esperanza para aquellos que soñaron en ver a Felix convertido en el "Rocky" de Stallione en plan ganador, un sueño. Todo quedó en una declaración de intenciones. El expelotari de Dania hizo lo que pudo y lo hizo de maravilla cuando se desenvolvía en su terreno, firmó una serie de remates de costado y unos pelotazos de rebote sólo al alcance de los mejores. Poco más pudo hacer. Tras el partido me embargó una sensación de que a menudo exigimos a los pelotaris jugar de una manera que no pueden porque no son capaces.El ansia de asistir a un gran encuentro donde la épica y la sorpresa tengan cabida no es suficiente. Foronda y Lopez salieron a ganar y lo hicieron de forma contundente. Además, tengo el convencimiento de que lo hubieran hecho con cualquier tipo de material. La noche del viernes pasado quedó claro que es prácticamente imposible batir a Superlopez, salvo que enfrente tenga a Goikoetxea o Irastorza en la combinación que los intendentes estimen oportuno.
La cancha de la Universidad de Markina no es una cancha rápida, más bien es lenta para lo que se conoce hoy día. Las pelotas que en otra cancha pueden parecer excesivas se adaptan bien a las paredes del recinto. Foronda y Lopez, además, partían con la ventaja de la temperatura exterior, del frío invernal, que provoca un tiempo seco que hace que las pelotas anden menos. Así y todo, Foronda y Lopez buscaron en todo momento las pelotas más muertas, sabían donde hacer daño, traían la lección bien aprendida. Desde el inicio de la contienda Lopez se puso el uniforme de Superlopez e impuso un ritmo de juego demoledor. Esas líneas de revés, auténticos obuses que machacaban una y otra vez la zaga contraria, esos derechazos que evitaban constantemente al delantero contrario. Esa seguridad pasmosa que transmite la sensación de no existir pelota difícil para él. Su colocación sobre la cancha es admirable. Ese gesto de corrección cuando le viene la pelota encima y la deja pasar para rebotearla con total soltura. Me recordaba al gran Patxi Txurruka. Es un placer ver jugar a Lopez, Superlopez. Otra virtud del pelotari de Zumaia es que hace lucir a su delantero. Foronda hizo un partido correcto, apenas cometió algun fallo y, por lo demás, hizo lo que debía, aprovechar el dominio de su zaguero y acabar el tanto. Sin desmerecer en nada a un modelo de profesional como lo es Foronda --pocos se toman la profesión tan en serio como él-- este Campeonato Lopez lo habría ganado con cualquier delantero que ha participado en él. Ése es el gran mérito de los campeonísimos.
Por otro lado, la noche parecía propicia para la épica. Felix, una figura del jai-alai, a sus 47 años disputaba una final del Campeonato del Mundo. Parte del público confiaba en ver ganar a su ídolo y así lo expresaba jaleando en cada tanto hecho por "Rocky" Felix. Sin embargo, hasta los más leales e incondicionales de sus seguidores se dieron cuenta de que todo obedecía a un deseo, una reacción emocional propia de la ficción, que del mundo real. Lopez, Superlopez, con sus pelotazos se encargaba de hacer añicos el sueño de aquellos que soñaron hasta los momentos previos al partido. Felix, el poderoso derechista que hasta no hace muchos años hacía estragos con su derecha, se vio a lo largo de todo el partido acorralado al fondo de la cancha, ese lugar infernal donde nada es posible salvo la defensa heroica. Felix castigado contra las cuerda parecía el "Rocky Balboa" de Stallione. Hizo lo que pudo y lo hizo de maravilla, cubrió la chula y soltó unos buenos pelotazos con el revés. Su derecha sigue siendo una hermosura, de libro de texto del jai-alai. Su pegada, sin embargo, apenas hace daño. Ya no es el noqueador de otros tiempos que con una serie de derechas traía por la calle de la amargura a sus contrarios. La pasada noche del viernes Foronda se lo agradeció.
Egiguren II, su delantero, días antes al partido prometió jugar agresivo y atacar a Foronda. Declaraciones que alimentaban la esperanza para aquellos que soñaron en ver a Felix convertido en el "Rocky" de Stallione en plan ganador, un sueño. Todo quedó en una declaración de intenciones. El expelotari de Dania hizo lo que pudo y lo hizo de maravilla cuando se desenvolvía en su terreno, firmó una serie de remates de costado y unos pelotazos de rebote sólo al alcance de los mejores. Poco más pudo hacer. Tras el partido me embargó una sensación de que a menudo exigimos a los pelotaris jugar de una manera que no pueden porque no son capaces.El ansia de asistir a un gran encuentro donde la épica y la sorpresa tengan cabida no es suficiente. Foronda y Lopez salieron a ganar y lo hicieron de forma contundente. Además, tengo el convencimiento de que lo hubieran hecho con cualquier tipo de material. La noche del viernes pasado quedó claro que es prácticamente imposible batir a Superlopez, salvo que enfrente tenga a Goikoetxea o Irastorza en la combinación que los intendentes estimen oportuno.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Average Play
Someone wrote about sports that when the game is played well, with pace and skill, the spectacle is both wrenchingly gladiatorial and pleasing to the eye. If the game is a close contest, even better, for then art and theater combine. Sorry to say that last Tuesday at Durango the spectacle offered by Egiguren II and Felix vs. Lander and Alliez was not a gladiatorial neither pleasing to the eye. It was a close contest because Egi and Felix won by three points. That was all. Besides that let me talk about average play played by late game quiniela players that would not qualified for a World Championship in another time or another context. No the way they played Tuesday, at least.
Egiguren II and Felix were the clear favorites to win the partido, so far in this Championship they had won all of their games. I wanted to see Egi playing aggressive, eager to show that after Goikoetxea he is the man, the second seeded frontcourter. A combination of a mature player and a carefree champion. Capable to command the game and make a present to the 47 years old veteran leading him into the Final coming Friday. What I saw was another kind of play. Since the beginning of the game a nervous Egiguren afraid of taking part, awaiting for the opponent`s mistakes instead, the worst it can happen to you when the ticket for the final is at stake.
A succession of mistakes by both teams were predominant along the whole partido. Art missing drama seemed to menace the favorites Egi and eternal Felix. The overall low quality of the game gave breath to Egi and Felix allowing us to see a close contest that maintained at least the curiosity to find out the final score. Lander and Alliez even though did not performed outstandingly, their late-games-quiniela style play was good enough to keep the suspense. When the final victory appeared in jeopardize for the favorites. When Egi, chocking down incapable to command the partido, the old veteran, the shadow of once a great superstar, said enough and appeared on scene. Three or four right-hand of once simulacra punches thrown by Felix were good enough to score in the crucial moments and guaranty their pass to the Final partido coming Friday. The veteran "boxer" still shining to win the game. What a paradox! His job was suppose to be covering the chula for Egiguren and wait and see how, the only remaining frontcourter star on competition, the one who was supposed to breathe new life to the Championship, who took care of Lander And Alliez, the two late games quiniela players facing him, and knocked them out... Sorry to say the old "boxer" did the job for him.
Both teams tied at 30 on the scoreboard and not a clear sign of victory for neither team, finally, fortune allied with the favorite team and took away the game by three points.
This coming Friday in Markina, according to the general belief Foronda and Lopez won't have mercy on Egi and Felix. Lopez is too much Lopez, a truly superstar. To beat them it takes more than a late-games-quiniela kind of play. It takes a lot more than three or four right-hand punches and two or three costados to the back wall. It takes guts. Anyways, I do not lose the hope to see Egiguren playing the way he is suppose to play, the way he should play. Aggressive, valiant, eager to demonstrate that he is above average play, after Goiko the player to beat. A duel with Lopez.
Egiguren II and Felix were the clear favorites to win the partido, so far in this Championship they had won all of their games. I wanted to see Egi playing aggressive, eager to show that after Goikoetxea he is the man, the second seeded frontcourter. A combination of a mature player and a carefree champion. Capable to command the game and make a present to the 47 years old veteran leading him into the Final coming Friday. What I saw was another kind of play. Since the beginning of the game a nervous Egiguren afraid of taking part, awaiting for the opponent`s mistakes instead, the worst it can happen to you when the ticket for the final is at stake.
A succession of mistakes by both teams were predominant along the whole partido. Art missing drama seemed to menace the favorites Egi and eternal Felix. The overall low quality of the game gave breath to Egi and Felix allowing us to see a close contest that maintained at least the curiosity to find out the final score. Lander and Alliez even though did not performed outstandingly, their late-games-quiniela style play was good enough to keep the suspense. When the final victory appeared in jeopardize for the favorites. When Egi, chocking down incapable to command the partido, the old veteran, the shadow of once a great superstar, said enough and appeared on scene. Three or four right-hand of once simulacra punches thrown by Felix were good enough to score in the crucial moments and guaranty their pass to the Final partido coming Friday. The veteran "boxer" still shining to win the game. What a paradox! His job was suppose to be covering the chula for Egiguren and wait and see how, the only remaining frontcourter star on competition, the one who was supposed to breathe new life to the Championship, who took care of Lander And Alliez, the two late games quiniela players facing him, and knocked them out... Sorry to say the old "boxer" did the job for him.
Both teams tied at 30 on the scoreboard and not a clear sign of victory for neither team, finally, fortune allied with the favorite team and took away the game by three points.
This coming Friday in Markina, according to the general belief Foronda and Lopez won't have mercy on Egi and Felix. Lopez is too much Lopez, a truly superstar. To beat them it takes more than a late-games-quiniela kind of play. It takes a lot more than three or four right-hand punches and two or three costados to the back wall. It takes guts. Anyways, I do not lose the hope to see Egiguren playing the way he is suppose to play, the way he should play. Aggressive, valiant, eager to demonstrate that he is above average play, after Goiko the player to beat. A duel with Lopez.
Friday, October 9, 2009
No "Bargains" In Jai-Alai
The city of Barcelona (Spain) back in the 1970's was a temporary station for young and veteran jai-alai players waiting for a contract to play somewhere else; usually, the destination was Florida. The fronton, the Principal Palacio, was located in Las Ramblas, the heart of the city, the epicenter of our limited universe. Even our pension was in a nearby alley. We spent most of the day walking up and down by the the Ramblas and playing pool and, for the rest of the day, watching partidos in the fronton. It was the cheapest choice of spending so many free hours because our income was so low that we were always broke, especially by the second week of the month. Salaries for a teenager like me were about 900 pesetas for each partido, around seven or eight dollars. However, Barcelona was the best university to learn the skills of jai-alai because everybody played an average of twelve partidos per month. Each evening daily four games were scheduled which gave us the chance of watching play a lot of players. Orbea I used to say that you always can learn some skill fron any player, even from the weakest, because everybody has some special ability. Therefore, the Principal Palacio was the right spot, plenty of partidos to watch, all kind of players to observe.
Before the winter season some players would leave the city heading Florida. Others would come back from the Basque Country, these were the aces, the stars, the ones that could not go back to Florida because they were included in a blacklist as a result of the 1968 jai-alai strike. The list included players like Ondarres, Bengoa, Egurbide, Churruca, Chimela... We were delighted to see them playing. Sometimes even the intendente, the matchmaker, would include some of us in a mixed combination. The first time I played a partido estelar was with Guisasola against Lekube and Echave II. I was sixteen years old and for me it was like a dream. The night before I did not sleep at all though, but it was worth.
We saw so many partidos that, sometimes, we used to be waiting for the next day schedule to see if there was any "bargains" in it. A real chance of making some extra pesetas from betting, like fishermen waiting on a fishing pier awaiting for an exceptional catch. An unbalanced combination, one that made you think that there was a mistake. How can the intendente can make such a combination? We would comment unable to find a reasonable explanation. "There is no way on earth that this team can beat this other one. It is a real bargain"!
Next day just before the beginning of the chosen partido we would go to the empty upper part of the fronton where nobody could see you ready to commit the "sin". The temptation of making some extra money even though, the players, had forbidden to bet, was irresistible. Down there close to the cancha facing the audience was the line of corredores, the bookies. One of them, a chunky red cheeked former player named Lekeitxo, was our contact. Betting on jai-alai partidos has its own body language. Touching your forehead with one hand means you are for the red team; touching one arm with the opposite hand means you favor the blue. Even though the opportunity of making extra money was formidable our economy did not allow us to bet more than about 900 pesetas, six or seven dollars. Nevertheless to say that I hardly made any money out of those "bargains". Something unexpected always happened. My favorite pair would play their years' worst game; someone would break his cesta; the other team would perform in a way they never did it before... The intendente would put in play some kind of pelotas that truncated my previous calculus. It was frustrating to see that according to us "bargains" never succeeded, even though we thought we had controlled all kind of factors. It was our destiny at that time to spend the month with little or no money at all. There is a saying in Spanish: "partido robado partido al otro lado". Do not expect any "bargains" in jai-alai. I am telling you.
Before the winter season some players would leave the city heading Florida. Others would come back from the Basque Country, these were the aces, the stars, the ones that could not go back to Florida because they were included in a blacklist as a result of the 1968 jai-alai strike. The list included players like Ondarres, Bengoa, Egurbide, Churruca, Chimela... We were delighted to see them playing. Sometimes even the intendente, the matchmaker, would include some of us in a mixed combination. The first time I played a partido estelar was with Guisasola against Lekube and Echave II. I was sixteen years old and for me it was like a dream. The night before I did not sleep at all though, but it was worth.
We saw so many partidos that, sometimes, we used to be waiting for the next day schedule to see if there was any "bargains" in it. A real chance of making some extra pesetas from betting, like fishermen waiting on a fishing pier awaiting for an exceptional catch. An unbalanced combination, one that made you think that there was a mistake. How can the intendente can make such a combination? We would comment unable to find a reasonable explanation. "There is no way on earth that this team can beat this other one. It is a real bargain"!
Next day just before the beginning of the chosen partido we would go to the empty upper part of the fronton where nobody could see you ready to commit the "sin". The temptation of making some extra money even though, the players, had forbidden to bet, was irresistible. Down there close to the cancha facing the audience was the line of corredores, the bookies. One of them, a chunky red cheeked former player named Lekeitxo, was our contact. Betting on jai-alai partidos has its own body language. Touching your forehead with one hand means you are for the red team; touching one arm with the opposite hand means you favor the blue. Even though the opportunity of making extra money was formidable our economy did not allow us to bet more than about 900 pesetas, six or seven dollars. Nevertheless to say that I hardly made any money out of those "bargains". Something unexpected always happened. My favorite pair would play their years' worst game; someone would break his cesta; the other team would perform in a way they never did it before... The intendente would put in play some kind of pelotas that truncated my previous calculus. It was frustrating to see that according to us "bargains" never succeeded, even though we thought we had controlled all kind of factors. It was our destiny at that time to spend the month with little or no money at all. There is a saying in Spanish: "partido robado partido al otro lado". Do not expect any "bargains" in jai-alai. I am telling you.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
"Come On... Goikoetxea"!...
"Come on... Goikoetxea"!... Mark Thornton, for 40 years an aficionado player from Bradenton (Fla.) was kind of desperate last Sunday in Hondarribia. So was Goiko too on the court transmiting signs of desperation. Egiguren and Felix were playing perfectly with the help of a fast ball . For Goiko and Alberdi III losing the game would suppose their secon defeat in three days; the worst of it, too many chances to miss the semifinals. On the other hand, winning the match would suppose for Egi and Felix their second victory in a row, showing their candidacy for the Championship.
"I don´t like the pairings", said Mark. "I would rather see top-seeded players playing together". The guy from Florida perhaps was not to pleased with the game that Alberdi III was showing so far. Although Alberdi III is not Enbil, no question about it, you could not blame him for the presumable defeat that they were heading to. Goiko´s partner was trying hard doing his limited best. When Egi and a fierce Felix pressed hard with the help of a bullet, Alberdi III missed pretty easily. Sorry Mark, that`s all this pairing is all about. Goiko is the number One, comparable with the greatest players of all times. That´s why he should be able to win this Championship even with a weak backcourter. Not the way he was playing though.
Last Friday in Markina they lost against Foronda and Lopez with slow balls; Sunday they lost as well with a fast ball this time. Something is not working well for "The Boss".
Etxaburu, the former Miami player, is right when he remarks "when I first got to Miami, you really had to battle out the point to win it being with the nice balls they had and the low roof. But just years before I retired, the balls were so fast, that it really had to make you change your whole strategy"...
That´s it! Goiko is used to playing quinielas in Miami playing with bullets balls all the time. He is so powerful that usually smashes his opponents. In the Basque Country both styles of play have a place. The game still may be played in two speeds, sometimes with slow balls, other times with faster balls. It is up to the players. Even though they were behind on the scoreboard, Goiko and Alberdi III continued to make the most of the points playing with Egi and Felix´s bullet ball. Why? Goiko does not feel confortable playing with "potatoes". He is used to make points fast. He always the dominator. That is O.K. if you have Enbil behind you, but Enbil was somewhere else last Sunday. When your opponents are playing so well and confortably you have to change the strategy. Get a slow ball, put on your working suit and try to slow the rithm.
"Come on Goiko"!... The guy from Bradenton, Mark, was delighted because he had recently seen such great partidos in Durango, Gernika... He, obviously, did not mention the one we were just watching. Goiko was desperate, precipitated, nervous, unconfortable. "Sometimes too fast can be counterproductive to the sport and that is what we see today", wrote recently Alberto Etxaburu. Yes jai-alai has evolved into what we have today. However, here in the Basque Country players still have the chance to play both speeds. Being able to pick "potatoes" instead of "bullets" sometimes. Like former Miami star, Zulaika I, used to say, "Sometimes, you have to play not with the ball you like; but with the one your opponents hate". Goiko still has things to learn.
"I don´t like the pairings", said Mark. "I would rather see top-seeded players playing together". The guy from Florida perhaps was not to pleased with the game that Alberdi III was showing so far. Although Alberdi III is not Enbil, no question about it, you could not blame him for the presumable defeat that they were heading to. Goiko´s partner was trying hard doing his limited best. When Egi and a fierce Felix pressed hard with the help of a bullet, Alberdi III missed pretty easily. Sorry Mark, that`s all this pairing is all about. Goiko is the number One, comparable with the greatest players of all times. That´s why he should be able to win this Championship even with a weak backcourter. Not the way he was playing though.
Last Friday in Markina they lost against Foronda and Lopez with slow balls; Sunday they lost as well with a fast ball this time. Something is not working well for "The Boss".
Etxaburu, the former Miami player, is right when he remarks "when I first got to Miami, you really had to battle out the point to win it being with the nice balls they had and the low roof. But just years before I retired, the balls were so fast, that it really had to make you change your whole strategy"...
That´s it! Goiko is used to playing quinielas in Miami playing with bullets balls all the time. He is so powerful that usually smashes his opponents. In the Basque Country both styles of play have a place. The game still may be played in two speeds, sometimes with slow balls, other times with faster balls. It is up to the players. Even though they were behind on the scoreboard, Goiko and Alberdi III continued to make the most of the points playing with Egi and Felix´s bullet ball. Why? Goiko does not feel confortable playing with "potatoes". He is used to make points fast. He always the dominator. That is O.K. if you have Enbil behind you, but Enbil was somewhere else last Sunday. When your opponents are playing so well and confortably you have to change the strategy. Get a slow ball, put on your working suit and try to slow the rithm.
"Come on Goiko"!... The guy from Bradenton, Mark, was delighted because he had recently seen such great partidos in Durango, Gernika... He, obviously, did not mention the one we were just watching. Goiko was desperate, precipitated, nervous, unconfortable. "Sometimes too fast can be counterproductive to the sport and that is what we see today", wrote recently Alberto Etxaburu. Yes jai-alai has evolved into what we have today. However, here in the Basque Country players still have the chance to play both speeds. Being able to pick "potatoes" instead of "bullets" sometimes. Like former Miami star, Zulaika I, used to say, "Sometimes, you have to play not with the ball you like; but with the one your opponents hate". Goiko still has things to learn.
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